Freelance animator and screencaster who specializes in Adobe products.


It's Benik Time!

In 2019 I animated a coupe cartoons with the attempt to make a new series. But like always, crippling mental health and other obligations took its toll and these two episodes are the only ones I made. A third was in development, but never came to be. Below are the two episodes in question. Feel free to view them in the Other cartoons category as well.

Animated in 2019, this was the attempt at rebooting my old Flash based Binkee series. In this one, Benik (not Binkee) reclaims ownership of his class. The idea was to build a series, which is probably why I held off on releasing this. But right now I don’t have any plans to continue so why not throw it online?

In the second episode of this short lived series, Benik gets a ride from Zach after school. However, Zach's plans are crushed when Benik's actions bring on some unwanted misadventures.

Chad Troftgruben