Freelance animator and screencaster who specializes in Adobe products.


What To Look Forward to in January

Hi there,

It’s been about a month since I’ve posted an update anywhere. I figured I should get on it soon before 2019 calls it a day.

There’s a reason for my absence. I’ve been having back issues. It’s something I’ve always dealt with but recently I have been enduring some pretty intense upper back pain. It’s slowed me down this month as it’s harder for me to sit for longer periods of time. In addition, my wife and I are expecting our son soon and so that’s taken some focus as her condition advances.

But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working.

I am planning to release my next course this coming January. This new course focuses on Moho and is the nexus that connects all the other courses together. Up to this point the Moho courses have focused on isolated tasks that make up an overall production. This new course will take all those pieces and show how to properly put together a short animated production.

For this course I am taking a little inspiration from the past. About five or six years ago I produced a free course titled “Steve and the Alien”. It showed the process of building a short animation from start to finish in Moho. The series of Moho courses I have released on this site and Udemy is set up to follow a similar path. Instead of one long slog of a course though, I have split everything into easier to digest packages. This also allows for you to come in and just learn one piece if you wish.

I should have a pre-order page up sometime in early January. For now though, you can check out the images below. Still early, but it shows off new characters we will be animating, as well as some 3D objects we will be using to build the sequences.

Beyond that, I have been working on Benik a little bit, but I will be honest, it’s taken a backseat until this next course is released. My back issue threw a wrench into my workflow this month. But the only thing I can do is keep pushing and hope you guys find the course (and my new Benik) worthwhile.

This will probably be the last time you hear from me this year. To those of you celebrating this holiday season, I hope you have a safe and wonderful time bonding with family and friends.

Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays!

Chad Troftgruben